Align your FLOW
Practice • Intention • Action
aka How I got here
When I discovered yoga in my twenties, I felt like I had finally come home.
I had been a dedicated ballet dancer as a young person but got flattened by the culture and walked away. Without ballet, I lost an orienting force in my life, and minus that clarity and commitment, I was left with a lot of distress about my purpose and sense of self.
What followed was a period that looked pretty good from the outside (Ivy League schools sandwiching a worthy starter job) but felt mostly dazed and confused on the inside.
Next came a few years as a struggling actor – I was truly mediocre but loved the exploration and the collaboration. Most importantly, acting got me to Los Angeles where I found yoga.
Not every journey takes you where you thought you were headed.
Falling in love with yoga and becoming a teacher were unexpected and life-changing gifts. It was as if I had been sleepwalking and I suddenly woke up. Finally, a way to be in the world where I didn’t feel like I was going through the motions according to someone else’s script.
My connection to yoga and the sense of myself it gave me, both on the mat and in the classroom, were authentically mine. And because there was integrity between my inner and outer selves, things quickly took off for me in Yoga-land.
I taught classes and led workshops and trainings throughout the US and Europe. I collaborated extensively with Yoga Journal (DVDs, articles, online content for teachers and students, and a book on Yoga) and created multiple virtual courses for Yoga University.
It was a busy period of all yoga, all the time, and I loved it. And then, gradually, what excited me about yoga began to shift.
I started to appreciate yoga not simply for its physical and mental benefits, but as a means of connecting to the most expansive, curious, and creative parts of ourselves.
I had always cherished how time on the mat felt qualitatively different from the daily tumult - quieter, less hectic, and more intentional. But now I was thinking about yoga less as a respite from the demands of daily life and more as a way of informing everyday life.
I’m still lit up by practicing and teaching, but I confess to having a hidden agenda.
I believe that on our mat we have an amazing opportunity to experience our true self (as opposed to the social self we are often rewarded for being). And when we get a taste of who we really are, a world of possibility opens up. Of course, this doesn’t only happen when we practice, but for me and many people, this is a good place to start.
Once you start to glimpse and recognize your true self, you don’t want that sense of self to live only on your yoga mat.
You want to grow and nurture it, so there is congruence between all the parts of you. This desire was what led me to become a life coach, an unexpected yet logical next step for me, a way to translate so much of what I’ve learned in yoga into all the juicy, complicated, and demanding aspects of life off the mat.
The work I do with coaching clients is very similar to the work I do with yoga students. In both cases, my job is to hold space, share tools and approaches that promote awareness and offer the support and perspective that facilitate insight and growth.
When I teach yoga, the focus is more on the physical body, using it as a vehicle for greater self-knowledge (working from the outside in). When I coach, the focus is more on accessing the internal landscape, using it as a map for life design (working from the inside out).
In both methodologies, the aim is for our insides to match our outsides, for what we intuitively sense and know to be translated into our choices and path forward.
Should we partner together in either capacity, my over-riding goal is for you to find comfort in your own skin, to figure out what you truly care about and want more of, to let go of the things and stories that no longer serve you, and to live a life that feels authentic and uniquely yours.
More about me
Dogs, dogs, dogs!!
I love them in all their magnificent specificity, and each of mine has been my teacher in some truly significant way. Haley, Jake, Alice, Zucchini: Thank you for every precious moment. Even the really hard ones.
What else makes me happy?
My hilarious and brilliant husband. I married later in life and cherish (almost) every second of this joyous partnership. My beloved family. My friends and the gift of getting older and a little bit wiser together. Reading fiction. Watching tennis. All matters Roger Federer. Walking in nature, preferably with canines. Going to the ballet. Traveling (sometimes). Drinking tea and doing the crossword puzzle. Revisiting The Office. Obsessing over the Celtics. Creating beauty and order on the home front. Work that feels meaningful. The dopey, gorgeous fabric of daily life.
What makes you happy?
Sometimes it’s hard to know. I’d love to work with you so that all the things that genuinely matter to you and bring you joy get to be front and center in your life.

Let’s have a conversation about how we can work together so you can develop a practice and create a life that reflects your deepest dreams and truest self.
We’ll discuss options for designing an individualized program of either yoga or life coaching— or a balance of the two — that will enrich your life both on the mat and off.
Work with me
Begin by establishing a new relationship with your body and movement, whether on the mat or off. Learn to listen and trust its wisdom.
Identify old narratives and habits. Notice your strengths and uncover your power.
Befriend the self that emerges and build a path forward that deepens and reinforces this connection.